Homemade Gyros
Whether from a vendor on the streets of New York City or from a takeout counter in Monastiraki Square in Athens, Greece, my family loves to eat gyros. Delicious memories of warm circles of pita bread...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (2/22/13)
Daphne by Linnell Chang If you walk up to my front door right now, there’s a gift waiting for you. For, at this very moment, the sweet fragrance of Daphne flowers infuse the air. Such a delightful way...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (3/1/13)
Photo by Linnell Chang The sun, like a shot of whiskey, warms my face and soothes my bones. My old dog Romeo sits on the deck and squints his eyes to block out the bright light of morning. A choir of...
View ArticleWhite Bean, Shrimp, and Arugula Salad
In my best “Fretalian,” my own blend of French and Italian, I asked my waiter “Scuzi, qu’est-ce que c’est?” as I pointed to the menu. He obviously did not understand “Fretalian,” because he looked at...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (3/29/13)
Photo by Linnell Chang The road goes on for miles. Bright jagged streaks of light float over it and define its path. On and on it goes, passing one fence post after another, until finally, in a fiery...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (5/10/13)
Photo by Linnell Chang Wouldn’t it be fun to travel the world and become a plein air painter? If I close my eyes, I can envision myself sitting in front of an easel with a paintbrush in my hand. The...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (5/31/13)
Bees busily buzz from cluster to cluster of brilliant blue hydrangeas. How’s that for a bit of alliteration? I unexpectedly spent my morning chasing bees. My goal of taking photos of hydrangeas...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (6/14/13)
The scent of gardenias wafts through an open window and lingers in the room. I inhale slowly and let the intoxicating fragrance permeate my soul. I feel drugged and I can no longer focus on the task...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (6/21/13)
High in the sky, the sun created a leafy shadow play for me as I sat under the verdant canopy of a Liquid Amber Tree. As the overlapping leaves moved with the breeze, dark and light patches of green...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (6/28/13)
The lyrics “Splish, Splash, I was taking a bath . . . ” played in my head as I watched a Mourning Dove and a Lesser Goldfinch shake and shimmy while bathing in the cool waters of my backyard fountain....
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (7/26/13)
What happens when a group of Corgis meet for a play date in the park? They run around, they sniff each other, and they herd. One time they herded a Golden Retriever right to the top of a picnic table....
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (8/9/13)
The wanna-be artist in me was delighted when one of my nieces requested manga drawing materials for her birthday. Rather than spend money on a paper gift bag to hold her art supplies, I thought it...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (8/16/13)
Bzzzzzz-bzzzzzz-bzzzzzz . . . bzzzzzz-bzzzzzz-bzzzzzz . . . ah-choo! A large black bee darted quickly in and out of squash blossoms. If a bee could sneeze, I imagine this one would, because it was...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (8/23/13)
Through my camera lens, leaves and a stem frame a single yellow bloom. In fact, it’s the only blossom blooming on an old woody rose bush called The Pilgrim. Mother Nature did everything she could do...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (8/30/13)
If necessity is the mother of invention, then boredom is the second cousin of creativity. On a long drive home one night with my husband, I sat bored watching the dark scenery whiz by. But during one...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (10/4/13)
Several dozen rose bushes reside in my garden and, just like my children, I appreciate each one of them for their unique qualities and gifts. But, unlike my children, I have a favorite. With blossoms...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (10/11/13)
With a lonely heave, a small oak tree fell across a pathway. People walked around the “nuisance,” refusing to break their stride. It was as if a fallen tree was an everyday impediment. No one paused...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (11/8/13)
The golden morning sun sneaks in through a kitchen window and kisses the autumn fruit. Three kisses to be exact. One, for being so sweet. Another, for being so perfect. And the third one . . . well,...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (11/15/13)
Rainbow lint covers every imaginable surface in my home. T-shirt scarves tagged and waiting to be bagged lie in yard-high heaps on my dining room table. 344 scarves to be exact, an amount that far...
View ArticleFriday’s Fresh Five! (12/20/13)
Frost-tender plants wore coats of burlap and once-fluid water took on an other-worldly appearance. For several nights in a row, a hard frost hit my area. Like a child on Christmas morning, who runs...
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