If you walk up to my front door right now, there’s a gift waiting for you. For, at this very moment, the sweet fragrance of Daphne flowers infuse the air. Such a delightful way to be greeted, but how will you reply? Will you bask in the moment or will you move on?
#1 – Tolkien’s Ents?
#2 – A Bright Idea
Here’s a really clever decorating idea that was inspired by a creative person’s shopping trip to Home Depot. These lanterns are made from aluminum sheets and require minimal supplies to construct them. Looks like a fun project for the weekend!
#3 – The Skinny on Salad Dressings
Eating a salad for lunch or dinner is a nutritious and low-calorie meal, right? Well, that all depends on the salad dressing you’re pouring over those fresh greens. Not only do many salad dressings contain fat, many of them are also high in sodium. Here’s registered dietician Joy Bauer’s recipe for a low calorie (59 calories per 2 tablespoons) and low sodium (40 mg per 2 tablespoons) salad dressing:
Joy’s Skinny Balsamic Vinaigrette
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
3 Tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup water
1 Tbsp mustard
1 tsp honey
1 tsp garlic powder
In a jar, combine all ingredients. Shake until everything is well combined. It’ll stay fresh in the fridge for five days.
Makes eight 2-Tbsp servings
#4 – Made Me Smile
Just looking at this graphic made me smile, but I loved the introduction to Marc and Angel Hack Life‘s post “7 Things Happy People Say Every Day.” The introduction reads, “You have the right words within you to make every day a happy one.” Words have power – say the right ones!
#5 – Flowery Thoughts
Couldn’t decide, so here are two:
“The earth laughs in flowers. “
e.e. cummings
“Every flower is a soul blossoming in Nature. “
Gerard De Nerval
Get out and smell the flowers this weekend!